The Craft of Change is a body of work - a school of action and thought - that allows individuals and organisations:
• to gain an overview and deep understanding of their capacity for change, and based on that understanding
• take informed, mindful, purpose-driven action to develop those capacities as they work through their journey of transformation.
The framework includes a mental model and a step by step "think & act" process guidance for driving systemic change. The methodology is driven by 6 guiding principles grounded in foundational elements of movement. (STRENGTH, SKILL, BALANCE, COORDINATION, STRATEGY, SELF-REGULATION).
Organisations are complex living systems. Implementing change is a challenging quest. As you move from where you are to the new envisioned future, your journey calls for stamina.
The path through transition requires:
intellectual and emotional strengths and skills,
balanced, coordinated use of all of your resources,
efficient actions based on effective strategies,
presence to notice and willingness to act when it is time to self-regulate
The six elements of movement are integrated into The Craft of Change approach as a set of core principles that will guide your reflection, sense-making, planning, and action-taking process supported by corresponding methods that activate insight and potential.
The need for change can be triggered by external events or internal need (as a result of your own wish for transformation), and it always happens in the very specific context of your current reality.
This is why the first step of The Craft of Change approach calls you to tune in to the big picture of your quest - deep dive into understanding the “Why”, articulate the purpose and objectives of the transformation you seek to implement, align understanding of everyone involved and ignite the buy-in and motivation for change - both for individual stake-holders and the system as a whole.
The Craft of Change assumes appropriate contextual awareness - understanding the purpose and objectives that drive your change efforts - to guide the relevance of your thinking and the actions you choose.
It supports you in taking an effective, collaborative change management effort - including participants into a well crafted participatory process to review your current reality together, identify where you need or want to grow, and then, driven by organisational strategy and business objectives, develop an optimal, balanced, long-term sustainable plan to act. And finally - move to action, of course.
Our promise and our commitment is to help you grow your capacity for efficient and effective journey through change.
Adrijana, Aleksandra, Danijel